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Food Packaging

Neelam Khetarpaul (Author) Darshan Punia (Author)

Food packaging is a multidisciplinary subject involving, Food Science, Food Engineering, Food Processing and Preservation, Food Technology, Food Chemistry and Microbiology. This book includes 18 chapters related to mechanical and chemical pulps, the kinds of deteriorative reaction, food packaging metals and their corrosion, packaging of foods in metal containers, use of glass in food packing, plastic packaging-a modern dilemma, use of nanotechnology in foods and their packaging, thermoplastic polymers, important plastics processing methods, the packaging of cereals, dairy products, fruits and vegetables and meat and meat products, sterilization of packaging material and shelf life of packaged foods, importance of eco-friendly packaging and its sustainability and the vision for future food packaging. Readers with an interest in food packaging will find the information given in various chapters to be timely, representive of some of the best work in the field of food packaging, and of great value. We hope that this book shall be very useful for the students doing under graduation and post graduation in the disciplines of Food Science and Technology, Food Processing and Nutrition.

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About the author

Neelam Khetarpaul

Dr. (Mrs.) Neelam Khetarpaul presently working as Professor and Head, Department of Foods and Nutrition at CCS Haryana Agricultural University, Hisar is the recipient of many awards viz., Distinguished teadher Award-2000, Young Investigator Award, Ms. Manju Utreja Gold Medal and cash award for doing the best research work in the University and Best research paper Award by AFST (I), Hisar Chapter. She is the recipient of various Visiting Fellowships abroad funded by different national and international agencies and visited USA, Australia, UK, Hungary and Netherlands for academic pursuits. She has published more than 150 research papers in various journals of national and international repute and 12 books in the discipline of Food Science and Human Nutrition.

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Bibliographic information

Title Food Packaging
Format Hardcover
Date published: 31.12.2012
Edition 1st. ed.
Language: English
isbn 9788170355427
length ix+328p., Colour; Plates; Bibliography; Index; 23cm.