Traditional Craftsmanships in a Creative Society: The Artistic Marvels of the Viswakarma Community of India
The Jagannatha Temple at Puri: Its Architecture, Art and Cult
Portraying the Guru: Art, Devotion and Identity in Sikhism
The Rise and Decline of Pataliputra
Rock art of South India: With Special Reference to Kerala
Architecture in Nepal
Ruminations 101 & More: Short Essays on the Spirit of Indian art
Flowers of the Sun: The People and Land of Kutch, c.1740–2020
JDS-Glimpses Of Banaras
The Weights of Mughal India
Archaeologists of Independent India: Major Personalities and Their Work
Stylistic Trends in Later Bundelkhand Painting: Orchha, Datia, Panna: Miniatures from the Royal Courts of Bundelkhand (1590 1850), Vol III
The Theory and Practice of the Mandala
Forts of India: A Picture Book on Forts in India
Fire in the Soul: The Art of P R Daroz
Coins of India: Circa 6th Century BC-2022 AD based on Indian American Numismatist Dr Navin C Shah's Coin Collection
New Dimensions of Indian Art and Iconography: Felicitation Volume in Honour of Dr Umesh Chandra Dwivedi (In 2 Volumes)
Archaeological Iinvestigations in the Ganga Plain (2005-17)
Art Evolves: Nepali Modern Art
Gandhara Sculpture of the Patna Museum
Studies in Ancient Indian coins
Contours of Identity
Ananda Coomaraswamy: Reconstructing Post-Independence Indian Art History
Homage to Mahadev: Ancient Shiv Temples of Himachal Pradesh
Forts of Tamil Nadu: A Walk-Through
The Arts of the Kharak: Community and Crafts of Their Region-Sourashtra
Transmission of Crafts from Central Asia to Kashmir
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