Education in India
Encyclopaedia of Education, Culture and Children's Literature
'Encyclopaedia of Education, Culture and Children's Literature' is a unique work in four volumes covering various useful and relevant issues in the present conditions.
This Volume One on "Education in Modern India" studies in detail:
Education in the Emerging Society; Prospects of Education in the 21st Century; Democratisation of Education in Indian; Human Rights Education; Education and Democracy for National Development; Citizenship Education for Youths of the Modern India; Democratisation and Citizenship Education; Socialism and Education; Democracy and Education; Education and Success of Democracy in India; Democracy: A Moral Commitment; Education for Democracy; Deschooling Movement: Its Messages and Pioneers; Distance Learning: A Democratic Approach; Development of Distance Education in India; Making the School Effective; Role and Responsibilities of Teachers in the Modern Scenario; Reaching the Unreached; Need of Teacher' Handbooks and Workbooks for the Effective Use of Text Books; SITE : The Grand Experiment in Education; Education in Transition : Some Alternatives; Teacher Orientation, Enrichment and Upgradation; Open University : An Innovation in Higher Education; Media Support for Higher Education; Teachers' Organisation in England and India; Countrywide Classroom : An Innovation in Higher Education; Which Comes First : Democracy or Education?; Challenges of the Teachers' Day; Language Laboratory : An Important Innovation in Education; Public Participation, Public Support and Public Relations in Education; Literacy for All : A Challenge for India; Educational Radio and Television in India; Improving the Classroom; Teacher Education; Environment and Education; State Institute of Educational Technology : Need for a Change; Academic Staff College : An Innovation in Higher Education; Academic Staff College : Problems and Solutions; Children's Media Laboratory as a Learning Resource Centre; Quality Improvement in Teacher Education.
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This Volume One on "Education in Modern India" studies in detail:
Education in the Emerging Society; Prospects of Education in the 21st Century; Democratisation of Education in Indian; Human Rights Education; Education and Democracy for National Development; Citizenship Education for Youths of the Modern India; Democratisation and Citizenship Education; Socialism and Education; Democracy and Education; Education and Success of Democracy in India; Democracy: A Moral Commitment; Education for Democracy; Deschooling Movement: Its Messages and Pioneers; Distance Learning: A Democratic Approach; Development of Distance Education in India; Making the School Effective; Role and Responsibilities of Teachers in the Modern Scenario; Reaching the Unreached; Need of Teacher' Handbooks and Workbooks for the Effective Use of Text Books; SITE : The Grand Experiment in Education; Education in Transition : Some Alternatives; Teacher Orientation, Enrichment and Upgradation; Open University : An Innovation in Higher Education; Media Support for Higher Education; Teachers' Organisation in England and India; Countrywide Classroom : An Innovation in Higher Education; Which Comes First : Democracy or Education?; Challenges of the Teachers' Day; Language Laboratory : An Important Innovation in Education; Public Participation, Public Support and Public Relations in Education; Literacy for All : A Challenge for India; Educational Radio and Television in India; Improving the Classroom; Teacher Education; Environment and Education; State Institute of Educational Technology : Need for a Change; Academic Staff College : An Innovation in Higher Education; Academic Staff College : Problems and Solutions; Children's Media Laboratory as a Learning Resource Centre; Quality Improvement in Teacher Education.
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