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Izzat: Historical Records and Iconography of Indian Cavalry Regiments, 1750-2007

Ashok Nath (Author)

Packed with historical data assembled from a wide variety of sources, much of it previously unavailable, together with over 2000 images which have required years of in-depth research to assemble in the form of photographic images or meticulous line drawings, this ground-breaking book deals with every cavalry regiment known to have existed in the armed forces of India and Pakistan from 1750 up to 2007. The author has concentrated on the complex lineages of the many regiments, the identifications of their badges, ethnic compositions and battle honours. A comprehensive mass of information is arranged in an orderly manner for easy access under three sections covering the periods 1750 to 1921. 1921 to 1947 and 1947 to 2007.

Supplementary to this, but vital to an understanding of the subject, there are chapters that explore the evolution of the mounted arm on the Indian subcontinent, policies relating to ethnography and recruitment, the volunteer movement and the Auxiliary Force (India) Cavalry, and the forces of the Indian Princely States that were ultimately absorbed into the Indian Armoured Corps. A detailed bibliography is provided for further research. This book will serve as an authoritative source for serious students of military history searching for a better understanding of the history and lineage of Indian and Pakistani cavalry regiments and how these entities functioned. It will also provide an indispensable tool for collectors of regimental insignia and military medals and a comprehensive guide to the identification and appreciation of badges, buttons and shoulder titles throughout the period.

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Bibliographic information

Title Izzat: Historical Records and Iconography of Indian Cavalry Regiments, 1750-2007
Author Ashok Nath
Format Hardcover
Date published: 06.07.2009
Edition 1st ed.
Language: English
isbn 9788190209779
length x+828p., Illustrations; 32cm.