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Research Methodology

K. Chakraworthy (Author)
Synopsis Education is commonly used. The meaning of the term is very broad. It has several meanings. Therefore it is difficult to define the term education comprehensively. It has its literary as well as technical meaning. Some important meanings of this term have been enumerated and stated as education is a dynamic process, education is a continuous process or life long process, education is a tripper process and education is a purposeful or objective oriented process. Philosophical and Historical types f research, these two types of approach are complementary to one another rather that contradictory to each other.
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About the author

K. Chakraworthy

Dr. K. Chakraworthy has been Professor in the Department of geography, Nagaland University, Nagaland. He has been serving in teaching since 1974 with a distinguished academic record with M.A. Rural development M.A. Geography, M.A. Sociology, L.L.B. and PH.D. Degree. He has so far published a number of articles with a very good response from the academic community besides teaching the P.G, Course. He has been guiding the students for their research degrees. He had worked for research projects on “Urban Development n Orissa” and the “Rural” financed by U.G.C. regional and Urban development, Industrial and labour problems and Social Welfare and his thrust areas of research.

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Bibliographic information

Title Research Methodology
Format Hardcover
Date published: 01.01.2006
Edition 1st ed.
Publisher Sumit Enterprises
Language: English
isbn 8184200021
length viii+252p., Tables; Index; 23cm.