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A Historical Dictionary of Indian Food

K.T. Achaya (Author)
Synopsis This book contains a wealth of information on the food materials, food ethos, cuisine, and recipes of India. It traces the gastronomic history of India, drawing on archaeology, historical writing, botany, genetics, and the country’s oldest literatures in Sanskrit, Pali, Tamil, and Kannada. Arranged in alphabetical order, the dictionary – situates Indian foods in time and place; offers fascinating information on the migration of food plants from the New World to India, and their rapid integration into Indian cuisine; draws attention to the transfer of words, across languages, from the aboriginal Munda tongues into Sanskrit, from Tamil and Malayam into English and vice versa; has an extensive cross-referencing system that guides readers along the food-routes of India.
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About the author

K.T. Achaya

K.T. Achaya (1927-2002) pursued scientific research in the areas of oilseeds, vegetable oils, processed foods and nutrition.  His other books include The Food Industries of British India (OUP, 1994) and A Historical Dictionary of Indian Food (OUP, 1998).

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Bibliographic information

Title A Historical Dictionary of Indian Food
Author K.T. Achaya
Format Softcover
Date published: 01.01.2004
Edition Reprint
Language: English
isbn 019565868X
length xvi+347p., References; Index; 22cm.