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Q: How to Submit Content in Bagchee.com?

Content has two primary categories at Bagchee.com: bibliographic data (title, author, etc.) and merchandising data (description, cover image, etc.). 


Listing a book with Bagchee.com is to send in bibliographic data. Bibliographic data should be sent at least 60 days prior to publication, or as soon as possible. If data changes before publication, please send updates and they will be applied. 


While bibliographic data will ensure the book's listing on Bagchee.com, the more merchandising data provided by the publisher -- cover image, promotional copy, etc. -- the more likely it is that the book will sell.


Procedures on data formatting and transmission are outlined below. Please note that this data must be provided by the publisher and self-published authors.  All data is subject to verification. 


Sending Your Information 

There are two ways to provide us with information about your book. 


If you are a publisher or distributor who offers 50 or fewer titles via Bagchee.com, this is the preferred means for adding content. Please send your content via email to [email protected]


CD-ROM, Zip Disk, or Floppy Disk
These media provide an optional but slower method for sending us your information.  Content on a CD-ROM or zip/floppy disk should be formatted according to the protocols described below in Preparing Text. If you are submitting content on CD-ROM or zip/floppy disk, it should be mailed to: 


Images Inquiry - Sample Book Program
4384/4A Ansari Road
New Delhi 110 002


Publishers without electronic capability may send us books or jackets so we can scan the covers. This process takes more time, but if you prefer this method, please mail the books or jackets to:


Images Inquiry - Sample Book Program
4384/4A Ansari Road
New Delhi 110 002

A basic bibliographic data record consists of the following items:
Publication Date
Description: Please provide a brief description of the book here. Descriptions containing any hyperlinks will be rejected.
Table of Content: You may provide a simple list of chapters or other elements included in a work. List each item on a line by itself. Do not include bullet points, page numbers, or any formatting information.
Author Bio: Tell our customers about the author(s) of this work.
Discount (to Bagchee.com, not to the consumer)

All book submissions must meet the following criteria:


Submitting a book cover image

Book cover images are very important in helping our customers become more familiar with your product. Book cover image files sent to Bagchee.com should have the following attributes:
Resolution of 72 dpi
Image size of 400 pixels in the longest dimension (height or width). Larger images will be accepted. View an example.
Image saved in jpg format and have the ".jpg" file extension.
File named according to the ISBN of the item. Sample 0000000000.jpg.
Flat scan of front cover only. No shadow, border, or space around image.
Image should have no rotation; the top edge of the product should be at the top of the image.
Image should not be a stand-up product-display photo or part of a collage.

Submitting an author photo

Submit an author photo for our use with an author biography to help our customers know more about the creator of the work. Follow these
specifications for submitting an author photo:
Image resolution should be 72 dpi.
Image should be at least 100 pixels wide.
Image should be saved in the jpg file format.
Name files with the with the author's name and the extension ".jpg." Use this order for the name: "lastname.firstname.initial.jpg" Sample:
Image should not include a border or any special formatting.
Image should not include anything besides the author's image.