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Palaeontologia Indica (Volume LI)

A.K. Moitra (Author)
Synopsis There are few scientific papers on the systematics of stromatolites in India covering three dimensional aspects. Each of the stromatolites described by the author of the present volume, following the binomial system, is well-supported by three-dimensional configuration. This monograph gives an account of the varieties of micro-biota recovered from the sediments associated with the stromatolitic limestones and dolomites for the first time from the Chhattisgarh basin, M.P., India. Contrary to the earlier report of occurrence of such biota from chert or cherty sediments, the microbiota in present study mostly occurs in calcareous shale. Significantly, these have been studied in thin sections. Synthesising enormous data on stromatolites and microbiota, the author has reconstructed the biostratigraphy of the Chhattisgarh basin and also suggested a model proterozoic biostratigraphic correlation among the Chhattisgarh, Cuddapah and Vindhyan basin sequences-an excercise long awaited.
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Bibliographic information

Title Palaeontologia Indica (Volume LI)
Author A.K. Moitra
Format Hardcover
Date published: 01.01.1999
Edition 1st ed.
Language: English
length xii+95p., Figures; Tables; Plates; Maps; References; Index; 32cm.