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Plastic Medicine

Jean-Pierre Gallavardin (Author)

The book discusses about the correct manner of homeopathic case taking. It is a step by step detailed guide on case taking – how to observe, what to observe, how to note down the symptoms, examination of patient, value of symptoms and all relevant topics. The author deals with each heading in case taking in detail and step by step. Examples are given to explain how a physician can cross question his patient and ways of eliminating unimportant symptoms.

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About the author

Jean-Pierre Gallavardin

Dr. Jean Pierre Gallavardin (1825-1898) became a convent to homoeopathy after being a successfully treated by Dr. Des Guidi in 1848 who was a student of Hahnemann. He graduated as a homoeopath in 1854 and was instrumented in pending the homoeopathic hospital at in 1870. He was an author contributes several books and in the field of homoeopathy.

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Bibliographic information

Title Plastic Medicine
Format Softcover
Date published: 01.04.1995
Edition 1st ed.
Language: English
isbn 8180565394, 9788180565397
length 32p.