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Psychiatry Remedies Matria Medica & Repertory

Jean-Pierre Gallavardin (Author)
Synopsis The aim of this book is to present all the work of Dr. J.P. Gallavardin dealing with the psychic treatment of all the human tendencies, in a word to edify a compendium of all his researches and realizations. It includes plastic medicine, observations and
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About the author

Jean-Pierre Gallavardin

Dr. Jean Pierre Gallavardin (1825-1898) became a convent to homoeopathy after being a successfully treated by Dr. Des Guidi in 1848 who was a student of Hahnemann. He graduated as a homoeopath in 1854 and was instrumented in pending the homoeopathic hospital at in 1870. He was an author contributes several books and in the field of homoeopathy.

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Bibliographic information

Title Psychiatry Remedies Matria Medica & Repertory
Format Softcover
Date published: 01.02.2007
Edition 1st ed.
Language: English
isbn 9788131902547
length 184p.