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Important Notes on Homeo Remedies

T.P. Chatterjee (Author)
Synopsis Dr. Foster has given us a very well organised description of the various types of toothache and the homeopathic remedies used in their cure. He starts by listing the eight remedies that are the most important in curing acute toothache, followed by the four remedies used in chronic cases. He lists another 20 remedies used in specific uncommon situations and then includes a repertory of all the rubrics associated with toothache, characteristics of the major remedies and characteristics of the lesser-used remedies.
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About the author

T.P. Chatterjee

Dr T. P. Chatterjee has pursued MA and holds M Sc degree from calcutta university. Holds an excellent academic and professional records. Was awarded gold medal by the calcutta university. He is an established practitioner in the field of homeopathy. and has contributed greatly to teh homepathy literatures with his rich experience and knowledge. other books by the author are fundamentals of homeopathy and valuable hints for practice, highlights of homeo practice and my memorble cures.

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Bibliographic information

Title Important Notes on Homeo Remedies
Format Softcover
Date published: 01.03.2001
Edition 1st ed.
Language: English
isbn 8170213762, 9788170213765
length 44p.