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Hints on Homoeopathic Practice and Children's Diseases

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About the author

T.P. Chatterjee

Dr T. P. Chatterjee has pursued MA and holds M Sc degree from calcutta university. Holds an excellent academic and professional records. Was awarded gold medal by the calcutta university. He is an established practitioner in the field of homeopathy. and has contributed greatly to teh homepathy literatures with his rich experience and knowledge. other books by the author are fundamentals of homeopathy and valuable hints for practice, highlights of homeo practice and my memorble cures.

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Bibliographic information

Title Hints on Homoeopathic Practice and Children's Diseases
Format Softcover
Date published: 26.06.2004
Edition Reprint
Language: English
isbn 8170214912
length 100p., 22cm.