A Chemical Analyser's Guide: A Practical Approach to Chemist and Laboratory Guide
Chemistry is bondless and full of experimentable surprise, which are interesting for students. Besides, compulsory mathematical calculation s and theoretical descriptions chemical world is world of lure. Today, in schools or colleges teaching of Chemistry (or any other limited to the curriculum, but the development f a scientific thinking must be encouraged, where students observe, experiment and interpret chemical theories on the basis of practical knowledge acquired through laboratory. The book A chemical Analyser’s Guide has been prepared by keeping in mind the inquisitive students with keen interest in general Chemistry, as many of them having a scientific temper in their mind might wish to set up their own chemistry lab, some day. Content of the book ranges from laboratory Apparatus, Qualitative Inorganic analysis, detection of Elements to Polymerisation and haloform reactions, Alkaloids etc., covering all the topics in an explanatory way. In Nutshell, the book is designed to be a student’s all time laboratory campanion.
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