Computer Applications in Chemistry
Applications of Computer in Chemistry are now a part of curriculum in B.Sc. and M.Sc. classes of most of the Universities. This portion has been introduced by U.G.C. in the model course curriculum as well. The present book focuses on the use of this electronic machine in dealing with the problems of chemistry. Main attention has been focused on development of programming logic and technique particularly dealing with the problems of Chemistry which should be the most important part before actually writing any Computer program. Fundamentals of three languages viz. BASIC, FORTRAN and C-Language, have been included in this book. Most of the programs in this book are given in BASIC language as it is easy to learn and interactive too. Ample programs are also given in FORTRAN and C-Language. It is has been tried to include all the programs in this book with their outputs. Hope this book will serve the purpose and will prove to be useful for the students pursuing studies in Chemistry at B.Sc. or M.Sc. level.
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