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Fencing the Forest: Conservation and Ecological Change in India's Central Provinces, 1860-1914

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About the author

Mahesh Rangarajan

Mahesh Rangarajan is Director, Nehru Memorial Museum and Library, New Delhi, and former Professor of Modern History, University of Delhi. An environmental historian, he has also been a political analyst and has written extensively on conservation issues. He has also taught at Cornell University, New York; Jadavpur University, Kolkata; and at the National Centre for Biological Sciences, Bengaluru.

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Bibliographic information

Title Fencing the Forest: Conservation and Ecological Change in India's Central Provinces, 1860-1914
Format Hardcover
Date published: 01.01.1996
Edition 1st ed.
Language: English
isbn 0195637127
length xiv+245p., Maps; 22cm.