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Wild Orchids in Karnataka: A Pictorial Compendium

T Ananda Rao (Author) S Sridhar (Author)

This pictorial compendium has two parts. In the first part we have described the Wild Orchids in Karnataka with sketches, photographs, Maps and distribution tables. This compendium is intended to enthuse and educate the beginners, to facilitate the researchers to expand their Knowledge of phytogeography and distribution Patterns of the orchids, and to assist the orchidiologists preparing the blueprint for management and conservation of the wild orchids and their habitats. We have systematically described some 60 genera, 155 Species with 73 sketches and 60 Colour plates with Cross references in the text for easier Identification of a given Orchid.

The second part has an Introductory note on orchid conservation, Photography and hybrids. Some 48 species varieties, indicating their geographical affiliations and nativities are Illustrated with 18 colour plates in this part. The Bangalore hobbyists have procured these ornate orchids from far and wide. Incidentally, the Tissue culture leading to production of hybrids is a multimillion Dollar Business across America, Europe and South-East Asia. We have exemplified the floricultural aspects and commercial outlook of the fascinating orchids, their hybridization and their lasting values. But, it is lamentable that artificial Flowers made from Synthetic materials have been making inroads in to our culture and tradition. We believe that our pictorial compendium is a small step in reversing this trend, and to wean the masses back to appreciating and conserving the nature's bounties.

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Bibliographic information

Title Wild Orchids in Karnataka: A Pictorial Compendium
Format Softcover
Date published: 31.12.2007
Edition 1st ed.
Language: English
isbn 8189650181, 9788189650186
length xiv+152p., Col. Illustrations; 78p. of Plates; Maps; Bibliography; Index; 29cm.