Short Season Flowering Plants
Flowers are things of beauty, joy and happiness. They are the emblems of the finest workmanship of Nature. Their colourfulness, softness, delicacy and fragrance have ever been a feast to the human eyes. Having come to stay as objects of attraction, admiration and love, they have secured a respectable place in our social gatherings, religious and wedding ceremonies, beautification of the environment and ornamental decoration of the deities and females. There has been a pressing demand of the flowers for various purposes. The present work has been undertaken to enlighten the user-community of flowers in general and connoisseurs in particular about the cultivation of short season flowering plants. The subject matter, of course, involves technical details; yet the contents of the book lie well within the easy comprehension of the common readers. The book has been intelligently planned and edited. It contains articles from experts. It deals with all important aspects including weed control, breeding and genetics on short-season flowering plants and post-harvest physiology of cut flowers. The book will be found highly informative and immensely useful by the horticulturists and the lover-community of flowers.
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