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Casteism in Indian Politics

Dasarathi Bhuyan (Author)
Synopsis This book is comprehensive review of casteism in Indian politics. Although there are indication of changes in caste relationship coming about as a consequence of economic betterment, sanskritization, modernisation and westernisation, still caste continues to be a divisive factor.
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About the author

Dasarathi Bhuyan

Dr. Dasarathi Bhuyan (born 1965) is a prominent odiya short story writer, columnist, novelist, feature writer and researcher. He did his M.A. and Ph.D. in political science form Brahmapur University, Orissa. He is the author of a dozen of books in odiya as well as English. He is a regular contributor to various newspapers and magazines. He is currently teaching in the department of political science, belaguntha science college (an affiliated College of Brahmapur University) in Ganjam district, Orissa.

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Bibliographic information

Title Casteism in Indian Politics
Format Hardcover
Date published: 01.01.2006
Edition 1st ed.
Language: English
isbn 812612850X
length viii+216p.