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Econometric Study of Spatial Population Mobility in India: A Study of Rajasthan

Anju Kohli (Editor)
Synopsis This book deals with the need and importance of spatial mobility. Mobility is product of the social, cultural economic, political or physical circumstances in which societies and individuals find themselves. It is a major symptom of social change. This process has a profound effect both upon the areas to which migrants have flowed and upon the areas from where they have come. This study is based on secondary sources of data and deals with the less developed state like Rajasthan. Through various quantitative techniques, econometric models are built, hypotheses are formulated and tested on the basis of which findings are analysed. The study is conducted at state level as well as at regional level for the years 1971 and 1981. Few pages as post-script on the basis of 1991 migration data are added in the book. The study highlights the causes of spatial mobility of population in Rajasthan, according to which there is need to reformulate the development policies of the state so that less developed areas could be developed and regional disparities could be developed and regional disparities could be removed. This book is very useful for the planners and researchers on the basis of which planning and development models can be built.
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Bibliographic information

Title Econometric Study of Spatial Population Mobility in India: A Study of Rajasthan
Author Anju Kohli
Format Hardcover
Date published: 01.01.2000
Edition 1st ed.
Language: English
isbn 9788126106615
length xvi+204p., Maps; 23cm.
Subjects History