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Five Centuries of Sikh Tradition: Ideology, Society, Politics and Culture

Reeta Grewal (Editor) Sheena Pall (Editor)
Synopsis These Pathbreaking essays by historians, geographers, economists and scholars in Sikh religion and Punjabi literature cover the whole span of Sikh history and nearly all its important aspects. Three essays in this volume on Such basic issues as the nature of Guru Nanank’s mission, the Sikh way of life, and the martial and political culture of the Khalsa. In four other contributions fresh light is thrownon Sikh Patronage of Painting, journalism, demographic change, and spatial dispersal. Two Papers relate to the Sikhs overseas: one, on the role of a Sikh ‘Missionary’ in North America and UK and another, on the socio-economic significance of remittances made by the Sikhs from UK in the early 1970s. One essay examines the problem of Sikh identity in relation to the issue of Khalistan. The last contribution covers five hundred years of Sikh educational heritage.
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About the authors

Reeta Grewal

Reeta Grewal is Reader in History at the Panjab University, Chandigarh. Nearly a dozen of her reseaerch papers on aspects of Urbanization and Punjab history presented at national and international conferences have been published. She has been actively associated with the programems of the Urban History Association of India and the Institute of Punjab Studies. Her Study of urbanization in Colonial India, a revised version of her doctoral dissertation, is also being published by Manohar.

Sheena Pall

Sheena pal is Senior Lecturer in History at the Panjab University, Chandigarh. She has published research papers mainly related to the Sanatan Dharm movement in North India.

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Bibliographic information

Title Five Centuries of Sikh Tradition: Ideology, Society, Politics and Culture
Format Hardcover
Date published: 01.01.2005
Edition 1st ed.
Language: English
isbn 8173046530
length 394p., Tables; Notes; Glossary; Bibliography; Index; 23cm