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Five Thousand Years of Urbanization: The Punjab Region

Reeta Grewal (Editor)
Synopsis Urbanization in the Punjab region dates back to the third millennium C. Contributions to this volume trace its long history upto the present. Collectively, they cover all the broad phases of India history-proto-historic, ancient, medieval, colonial, and contemporary, with some of the contribution cutting across the conventional periods. Specifically, they relate to the Harappan, Mauryan, Rajput, Turkish, Mughal, Sikh, British and post-independence periods. Some papers study the north-western region while others focus on its well recognized sub-regions like the Sutlej-Yamuna Divide (Haryana), upper Bari Doab and Himachal Pradesh. The individual urban centers studied are Harappa, Taxila, Lahore, Sirhind, and Amritsar. Authors write from the diverse but related perspectives of archeology, history, geography, economics, development studies, town-planning, and literature, and base their findings on excavations, field work, quantitative data, literary evidence and creative literature. While reconstruction of the past is their common concern, a third of the contributors dwell at length on the contemporary problems and prospects as well. This volume breaks fresh ground in the history of the Punjab on both sides of the international border, and provides insights into the processes of urbanization as well as the specificities of the Punjab region. Its insights and inputs are valuable alike for scholars and planners.
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About the author

Reeta Grewal

Reeta Grewal is Reader in History at the Panjab University, Chandigarh. Nearly a dozen of her reseaerch papers on aspects of Urbanization and Punjab history presented at national and international conferences have been published. She has been actively associated with the programems of the Urban History Association of India and the Institute of Punjab Studies. Her Study of urbanization in Colonial India, a revised version of her doctoral dissertation, is also being published by Manohar.

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Bibliographic information

Title Five Thousand Years of Urbanization: The Punjab Region
Author Reeta Grewal
Format Hardcover
Date published: 01.01.2005
Edition 1st ed.
Language: English
isbn 817304614X
length 262p., Tables; Maps; Notes; References; Index; 23cm.