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India Towards Economic Super Power

Ajit Kumar Sinha (Editor)
Synopsis India adopted the path of economic reforms in July 1991. At the time of launching the New Economic Policy. Dr. Manmohan Singh, the pioneer of economic reforms in India had observed ‘This programme is for a self-reliant India; an India that in few years time can boost of having eliminated poverty; an India that provides dignity and skills to its children; and India that emerges as a vigorous participant in the global economy and plays a role of leadership in the comity of nations; an India that has an economy commensurate with the size, human resources and its potential.’ The crisis of 1991 was seized under the economic reform measures. But the sectoral performance of different sector has been much below the expectations. Difference of opinion amongst economists/social scientists is quite natural over the issues. But it is duty of hem to ponder over the whole scenario to identify the limiting factors and come out with pragmatic solutions of emerging issues to achieve the vision of a developed India by 2020 i.e. one of the five biggest economic powers of the world. The book is a unique attempt in the direction.
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Bibliographic information

Title India Towards Economic Super Power
Format Hardcover
Date published: 01.01.2005
Edition 1st ed.
Language: English
isbn 8176296635
length xx+591p., Tables; Notes; References; Appedices; Index; 23cm.