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Islam's Role in Modern World

M.U. Qureshi (Author)
Synopsis Islam is not for a certain period. It's for all times. It is a scientific and progressive religion. So, it has to play a vital role in the modern world. In fact, Islam has influenced the world civilization in a big way. Similarly, in the changed circumstances, Islam has to contribute to the evolution of the new global civilization of the modern age. This study explores all possibilities of Islam's active involvement in the making of new world order and also discusses its new role in the modern world. This book is a good asset for all those who want to know about Islam.
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About the author

M.U. Qureshi

Dr. M.U. Qureshi, an M.A. (Geography), L.L.B., Ph.D., is basically a journalist. Having devoted his life to the cause of education, he has now diversified into serious writing, with a keen interest in the affairs of weaker sections. A prolific writer, he has authored many outstanding books.

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Bibliographic information

Title Islam's Role in Modern World
Author M.U. Qureshi
Format Hardcover
Date published: 01.01.2004
Edition 1st ed.
Language: English
isbn 8126118881
length xi+350p., 22cm.