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India's Social Problems in Twenty First Century

M.U. Qureshi (Author)
Synopsis Indian society has various problems to cope with. The major problems include, grave population explosion, poverty, unemployment, caste system, corruption, ethnic tensions, and social mobility. The sociologists and academicians have the responsibility of seeking solutions to these problems. And for that they need authentic and comprehensive knowledge of the discipline. This book gives categorical account of these, as such a sincere effort in this direction.
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About the author

M.U. Qureshi

Dr. M.U. Qureshi, an M.A. (Geography), L.L.B., Ph.D., is basically a journalist. Having devoted his life to the cause of education, he has now diversified into serious writing, with a keen interest in the affairs of weaker sections. A prolific writer, he has authored many outstanding books.

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Bibliographic information

Title India's Social Problems in Twenty First Century
Author M.U. Qureshi
Format Hardcover
Date published: 01.01.2004
Edition 1st ed.
Language: English
isbn 812612055X
length x+404p., 23cm.