The Gourmet Indian Cookbook
The Gourmet Indian Cookbook presents a new version of Indian cuisine with specific changes in the style of presentation and portion. The recipes have been crafted without tampering with the defining taste of any of India's popular dishes. The traditional Indian cuisine has been transformed into a novel culinary adventure with innovative use of herbs and spices. In a rare departure from traditional Indian cooking, Chef Arvind Saraswat has enhanced his cuisine by introducing lighter fruit-based sauces that have been upgraded so that they have a universal appeal. The desserts are simple to prepare and the ingredients used are commonly available. The sugar has been cut down and the fat content reduced drastically. This book is an exception and a must for collectors-be it amateur housewives, students of catering colleges or a professional chef. It could be described as the beginning of a great revolution aimed at making Indian food compete with international cuisines in terms of visual appeal, portion, presentation, balance, nutrition, and satiety value.
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