Constitutional and Political Dynamics of India
The Constitution of the State encompasses it in a nutshell. It reflects the society, economy, polity culture and administration. Though the Constitution provides the basic framework for administration. It is dynamic and is amended to suit the needs of the society. The government is run according to the provisions of the constitution. The constitution also has an in-built mechanism so as to ensure that its principles and provisions are adhered. However, there are instances where the interpreted so as to meet the needs and Constitutional & Political Dynamics is an interpretation of the Constitution of India, particularly, to its controversial and challenging aspects. It discusses some of the important features of the Indian polity and it’s functioning. It analyses the various Articles and its relevance to the prevailing political context. The book would be definitely useful to those interested in the dynamics and operatives of the Indian Constitutional and Political system. It would also be informative from the socio-political perspective of the study of constitution.
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