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Welfare and Development of Women

S R Bakshi (Editor) Kiran Bala (Editor)
Synopsis "This book has deep bearing on several phases of socio-economic and political development of women in our sub-continent. They have shown the sense of awakening as and when they realised that their services are required in the nation cause. Whereas they struggled hard for the attainment of their social status through several regional and central ogranisations, the net result, on the whole, was appreciable. Besides social reform movements could do substantial work for their social upliftment. The work deals with several social reform movements for women, a gallery of women, role of women for various issues, women and the law, women's welfare and development, death and funerals customs, the role of several women's conferences, the promotional prospects and the appendices in brief. All these issues go a long way in the solution of problems facing the women of our sub-continent."
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About the author

S R Bakshi

Dr. S.R. Bakshi is an eminent scholar of History and is the author of several works on Indian nationalism and freedom movement. A renowned scholar of history, Dr. Bakshi was working with ICHR, New Delhi till recently.

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Bibliographic information

Title Welfare and Development of Women
Format Hardcover
Date published: 01.01.2000
Edition 1st ed.
Language: English
isbn 8176291161
length viii+413p., 23cm.