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Social Status and Role of Women

S R Bakshi (Editor) Kiran Bala (Editor)
Synopsis "In the development of our society the women of India played a significant role. Since ages she engaged herself in domestic environments, though some of them left a mark having deep bearing on several phases of our society. The modern woman is well-awakened and is engaged to solve her social problems. She played a dominant role during the freedom struggle and they sacrificed their lives to attain Swaraj. This book deals with such issues in the form of fourteen chapters. And these are their social problems, equality in status, role in satyagraha, role in the Civil Disobedience Movement, national integration, status of women, women and religion, the young girl and marriage, women administrators and last but not the least Annie Besant and her significant role in the Home Rule Movement which attracted the attention of millions of her followers. She was elected Congress President in 1917 and always impressed the audience with the effective force of her speeches."
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About the author

S R Bakshi

Dr. S.R. Bakshi is an eminent scholar of History and is the author of several works on Indian nationalism and freedom movement. A renowned scholar of history, Dr. Bakshi was working with ICHR, New Delhi till recently.

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Bibliographic information

Title Social Status and Role of Women
Format Hardcover
Date published: 01.01.2000
Edition 1st ed.
Language: English
isbn 8176291153
length viii+330p., 23cm.