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About the author

R.C. Hiremath

Dr. R.C. Hiremath, a former Vice-Chancellor of Karnatak University, some time National Fellow, is a well-known scholar. After a distinguished career at the University of Bombay, he took his Ph.D. at the Karnatak University, and had his post-doctoral training in Modern Linguistics at the University of California, Berkeley, USA. Dr. Hiremath has taught and administered for 30 years in Karnataka, and has an impressive volume of scholarly publications — both creative and critical — to his credit.

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Bibliographic information

Title Buddhism in Karnataka
Author R.C. Hiremath
Format Hardcover
Date published: 31.12.2002
Edition 1st. ed.
Publisher D K Printworld
Language: English
isbn 8124600139
length 144p., 8 Figures; B/W; 8.7" X 5.7"