Production Technology for Spices and Condiments
Role of Agrometeorology to Mitigate the Impact of Climate Change
Diseases of Ornamental Crops and their Management
Competitive Animal Reproduction
Spices and Condiments: A Manual
Library Management & Planning
Agri-Entrepreneurship: Challenges and Opportunities
Crop Improvement for Sustainability
Approaches Towards Fodder Security in India
Handbook on Livestock Entreprenuership
Challenges and Opportunities in Tourism and Hospitality Sector
Farming Systems: Issues and Strategies
S.K. Mitra's Mahomedan Law
Recent Advances in Plant Stress Physiology
Feeding Methodologies of Poultry
Fisheries Ecology
Fish Biology and Fisheries
Animal Ecology
Water Pollution and Management
Applied Genetics: Recent Trends and Techniques
Agriculture in Ancient India
Table Tennis: Skills & Rules
Sports Studies
Emerging Science and Technology for Food, Agriculture and Environment
Advances in Livestock Production and Management
Food and Nutritional Security by Sustainable Agriculture: Methods to Attain and Sustain
Agricultural Sustainability and Approaches
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