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The Protocol Book for Intensive Care

Soumitra Kumar (Author)

The Fourth Edition of The Protocol Book for Intensive Care is indeed a praise-worthy compendium of contemporary guidelines on the management of acute cardiac emergencies and related common acute medical problems. The guidelines have been supported by relevant scientific evidence and appropriate class of recommendation, as is the current practice.

The book is quite rich in information, more sound in its evidence-base and very useful and handy in terms of practical tips in handling cardiac and related medical emergencies. One chapter, namely “Post-operative Care following Cardiac Surgery” has been added to the previous list of chapters (as in second and third editions) making the total number twenty-seven. Like the previous editions, theme of this edition too is to emphasize on the successful “total management” of the patient. I have been deeply affected to find successful management of cardiac problems becoming futile when the patient succumbed to non-cardiac problems like sepsis or renal failure.

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Bibliographic information

Title The Protocol Book for Intensive Care
Format Softcover
Date published: 31.12.2014
Edition 4th. ed.
Language: English
isbn 9789350907405
length 546p., 5.5" X 8.5"