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Yoga For Cancer

R. Nagarathna (Author) H. R. Nagendra (Author)

The very diagnosis 'Cancer' stirs up a dreadful wave of intense fear amongst people even today when we have entered the era of high tech robotic and pin hole surgeries wherein people can walk in and out of the hospital within a few hours which used to take few weeks of hospitalization. The treatment of cancer is equally feared because the techniques used in modem medicine today are still quite crude and agonizing. Even today it is common to hear some elderly people 'I would rather die of cancer than go through the torture of the treatment which does not offer a cure'.

Vivekananda Yoga Anusandhana Samsthana has developed integrated yoga therapy modules consisting of simple advanced techniques of yoga to combat even the terminal cases of cancer. These techniques that have evolved over last thirty years of experience of treating large number of patients with different stages and types of cancer has now been proven to be useful and successful through scientifically documented research. To date there are two PhD theses with more than six publications in indexed peer reviewed medical journals.

This booklet gives a glimpse of what, why and how of cancer as understood by medical science today; role of mind in the occurrence and aggravation of cancer; description of the principles of Integrated Approach of Yoga Therapy (IAYT) for cancer that has authentic scriptural references; instructions for the actual practice for therapists and patients and the possible mechanisms by which these techniques may work in cancer. The last chapter gives a compilation of the abstracts of the research publications on yoga for cancer.

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Bibliographic information

Title Yoga For Cancer
Format Softcover
Date published: 31.12.2014
Edition 1st. ed.
Language: English
isbn 9878187313243
length 224p., Colour Illustrations; 7.5 inch X 9.5 inch