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The Ismâ‘îlîs: Their History and Doctrines

Farhad Daftary (Author)
Synopsis The Isma‘ilis constitute the second largest Shi ‘i community in the Muslim world, scattered over some twenty-five countries, including India, Syria and Canada. Almost all recognize the Aga Khan as their imam or spiritual leader. This authoritative book, the product of twenty years’ research, traces the history and doctrinal development of the Isma‘ili movement from its origins to the present day, a period of twelve centuries. It is the first comprehensive synthesis of the scattered results of modern scholarship on the subject and draws on numerous primary and secondary texts, particularly on a number of private Isma‘ili manuscripts which have recently become available. All the major phases of Isma‘ili history are covered. Beginning at the pre-Fatimid period, Dr Daftary conducts a detailed investigation through the Fatimid ‘golden age’ and the troubled Musta ‘li-Tayyibi period up to the spiritual and physical strengths of Nizari Isma‘ilism in Syria and Iran before the onslaught of the Mongols. The final part of the book traces the modern developments of the Isma‘ili community, explaining the revival of Nizari Isma‘ilism, particularly in Iran and on the Indian subcontinent. For all students of Islamic and Middle Eastern history, The Isma‘ilis: their history and doctrines will serve as the most definitive account yet of the history of the Isma‘ilis.
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Bibliographic information

Title The Ismâ‘îlîs: Their History and Doctrines
Format Hardcover
Date published: 01.01.1990
Edition 1st ed.
Language: English
isbn 812150494X
length xviii+804p., Illustrations.