Vedic Yoga: The Path of the Rishi
The Vedic Yoga is the ancient system of integral Yoga shaped by the Vedic Rishis. These Rishis devoted to a life of the Spirit discoved a certain line of development beyond the range of sensory perception by means of their strength of self-discipline, and achieved a many-sided inner progress. Whatever they achieved by their tapasya (meditative concentration) they then cast into a veiled language that they called Mantra. It is through these Rishis that the secret words of the Vedas were revealed. The Rishes had the inner vision to see the light of truth (rsyah mantradrastarah) and the inner audition to hear the voice of the truth (satyasrutah). They possessed both great spiritual and occult knowledge, the complete inner wisdom.
This vision and ideal of the Rishis and the Vedic system of Yoga needs to be recovered today and given a new form suitable to the modern mind in the present challenging human situation. It is in this context this book throws much light not just on the ways of the ancient Rishis, but on the whole of the Rishi tradition from ancient to modern periods especially the roles of Ganapati Muni and Sri Aurobindo, both of whom the author has been connected with for several decades.
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