Emerging Dimensions of Business
The present business environment is vastly different from what it was a decade ago. In the wake of liberalization and globalisation, the domestic industry and business has to gear itself for the new challenges of global competitiveness and quality. Sustainable growth, social justice and ethical issues are the other challenges that need to be met. Indian is witnessing a paradigm shift in the business environment. The forces of globalisation, information technology, privatization and knowledge explosion have transformed the business scenario. The challenge of change is multi-faceted and the rate of change is very fast. Only those industries and organization are going to survive and grow in future which will be able to proactively respond future which will be able to proactively respond and adjust to the new circumstances. The fast changing business environment has significant implications for the human, financial, operational, commercial and managerial dimensions of trade, commerce and industry. The topics covered in this book relate to the whole range of emerging issues in the functional areas of business, namely finance, marketing, human resources and information technology. The present volume, it is hoped, will be of great use and benefit to the researchers, practitioners, policy makers, business executives and students.
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Mohi-ud-Din Sangmi