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Astrology, Psychology and The Four Elements: An Energy Approach To Astrology and Its Use In The Counseling Arts

Stephen Arroyo (Author)

This recognized classic of modem astrology is truly a pioneering book. It established a new science of astrological psychology. It presents a language of energy that has enabled astrology to be widely and reliably used in the helping professions as well as by the general public. As Library Journal stated, “Transcending the boundaries of separate disciplines, this work represents a major distillation of astrological principles.

This book relates astrology to modem psychology and explains the use of astrology as a practical method of understanding one’s attunement to universal forces. It clearly shows how to approach astrology with a real understanding of the energies involved. Part I of the book explains how astrology can be the most valuable psychological tool for understanding oneself and others. Analyzing the scientific, philosophical, and intuitive dimensions of astrology, it is oriented toward the layman with no astrological knowledge, astrology students and professionals, and those engaged in any form of the counseling arts.

Part II deals specifically with the interpretation and practical application of astrological factors based on the actual energies involved (air, fire, water, & earth). It presents a dynamic application of astrological knowledge that clarifies and illuminates traditional techniques and meanings by placing them in the perspective of understanding the vital energies inherent in all life processes.

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About the author

Stephen Arroyo

Stephen Arroyo is an M.A. in Psychology. In reformulating traditional astrology, he recognizes astrology’s value as the most comprehensive language of life and inner experience that is available to us today. His books are notable for their clarity of expression and are extremely popular around the world. Some of them are: Astrology, Psychology & The Four Elements, Astrology, Karma & Transformation and Relationships & Life cycles.

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Bibliographic information

Title Astrology, Psychology and The Four Elements: An Energy Approach To Astrology and Its Use In The Counseling Arts
Format Softcover
Date published: 31.12.2012
Edition 1st. ed.
Publisher New Age Books
Language: English
isbn 9788178223872
length 204p.,