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Vulnerable Children: Human Rights Perspectives

B.K. Panda (Author) Sukanta Sarkar (Author)

Child is a human between the stages of birth and teenage years. The legal definition of child generally refers to a minor, otherwise known as a person younger than the age of majority. Africa is the only continent with a region-specific child rights instrument. The African Charter on the Rights and Welfare of the Child (ACRWC) is an important tool for advancing children's right s. While building on the same basic principles as the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child, the AU Children's Charter highlights issues of special importance in the African context. India has the largest number of children in the world. India's heritage of a stable family life and traditional joint family system helped children grow into an atmosphere of warmth and affection into a secure future. Children's rights are human rights for children. Human rights are basic standards to which every person is entitled to survive and develop indignity. The United Nations set a universal standard for human rights with the adopt ion of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights in 1948. Since t hen, a number of human rights treaties have been developed to recognize the basic rights of all persons. Children have these rights, too. Children (under age 18) also have specific rights, recognized in the 1989 Convention on the Rights of the Child, given their vulnerability and dependence. All children's human right s apply to all children at all times, without exception. The provision and protection of children's Convent ion rights is the primary responsibility of governments at all levels and realising the promise of the Convention is an ongoing, progressive commitment. International human rights treaties are developed through negotiation among governments. United Nations Member States produce a commonly acceptable set of standards for the treatment of people by their governments. It is hoped that the present edition of this book will be beneficial to all concerned of the society, in general and students, lawyers, advocates, academicians, human rights institutions, researchers and NGOs working in labour economics field, in particular. Contents of this book are Children Rights-An Overview ; Street Children; Orphan Children; Child Labour; Bonded Labour; Disable Children; Slum Children; Child Trafficking & Urban Beggar., ABOUT THE AUTHOR:- Prof. B.K.Panda (MA, M.Phil, Ph.D) is working as professor and Head, Department of Economics, Berhampur University, Odisha. His various papers are published in reputed National and International Journals, like as. IUP Journal of Management Research, International Journal of Business Research , Indi an Economic Journal, Apeejay Journal of Management, International Journal of Environment and Development, Indian Journal of Economics, Journal of Rural Development, etc. He has published various books in economics, like as Economic Reforms and Emerging Patterns of Employment, Consumption, Poverty and Inequality, Applied Demand Analysis, Serial Publications etc. He has also supervised many Ph.D and M.Phill scholars in economi cs. Dr. Sukanta Sarkar (MA , Ph.D) is working as Assistant Professor, Faculty of Management Studies, ICFAI University, Agartala (Tr ip ura) . He qualified UGC -NET Examin December/2006. He was awarded PhD for work on rubber tappers and currently he is D.Litt scholar in Berhampur University, Odisha. He presented many research papers in various seminars, conferences and symposiums. His various research papers are published in foreign and national journals. He has authored books relating to Corruption, Human Trafficking, Orphan Children, Rubber Plantation, Corporate Social Responsibility, Handicraft Workers, Deforestation, Environmental Pollution, Agrarian Economics, Illegal Trafficking & Social Security.

Contents: 1. Children's Rights-An Overview. 2. Street Children. 3. Orphan Children. 4. Child Labour. 5. Bonded Labour. 6. Disabled Children. 7. Slum Children. 8. Child Trafficking. 9. Beggary Children. Bibliography.

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Bibliographic information

Title Vulnerable Children: Human Rights Perspectives
Format Hardcover
Date published: 04.02.2015
Edition 1st. ed.
Language: English
isbn 9351281175, 9789351281177
length 327p., 23cm.