All from Memory: An Autobiography
This autobiography is by a Senior Advocate, with more than 57 years of practice at the Bar. The Book part from recalling his childhood and student days provides a glimpse of life in his early days where there was poverty, illiteracy and backwardness in all spheres with total lack of basic amenities relating to health, education etc. There is comparison of such life with the present day modern living with all round development in all fields including science and technology.
Major part of the book depicts author`s experience as a practicing Advocate, as advocate General of the State, Chairman of the State Bar Council and Member of the Law Commission of India, apart from his stint as Chairman of the B.M.S. Educational Trust and Director of Karnataka Bank Ltd.,, Sri Acharya has practiced Law in the courts at all levels - right from the court of Tahasildar upto the Supreme Court of India. He has practiced on almost all branches of law, including civil and criminal cases. He has practiced on the original side as well as appellate side. He has also appeared in large number of cases involving constitutional law. The book is enriched by reference to various cases he had handled throughout his career. Each case has atlest one lesson to law student ' junior lawyer.
Being an autobiography naturally the book furnishes details of his family and family background. It also briefly explains his views on matters of importance in legal field such as quality of an ideal judge, conduct of judges in courts, legal fee to be charged by an advocate, preparation of cases by Advocates, dignity to be maintained by both bench and the bar etc. The book also refers to hardship which a public prosecutor has to face in sensational cases.
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