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Processing and Preservation of Dairy Products

Getachew Osei (Author)

The book covers various aspects of Milk and Dairy Products and its Preservation such as Milk Production and Preservation, Milk Products and its Preservation, Composition and Physico-chemical structure of Milk, Nutritive Value of Dairy Products, Treatment and Processes used in Dairy Industry, Concentrated Milk and Milk Powders, Ice-cream Production and its Preservation. It also covers the various aspects of Hygiene in Dairy Industry.

Language of the book is simple, presentation is lucid and unambiguous for easy understanding of the subject matter. This book is very useful for students, teachers, researchers, entrepreneurship of food industries, technocrats and scientists. This book is also a valuable reference source for any one interested in knowing more about Processing and Preservation of Dairy Products.

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About the author

Getachew Osei

Getachew Osei, Ph.D. is a Consultant in Dairy Science and Technology, served for more than 30 years in various food companies with special expertise in the manufacture of Dairy Products. He has served on the Faculty of Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria, Kaduna State, Nigeria and has taught Dairy Technology courses for 10 years.

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Bibliographic information

Title Processing and Preservation of Dairy Products
Author Getachew Osei
Format Hardcover
Date published: 01.01.2015
Edition 1st. ed.
Publisher Agri Horti Press
Language: English
isbn 9789383285402
length x+288p., Illustrations; Tables; Bibliography; 24cm.