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Empowerment of Women in India: New Strategies

Nagaraju Battu (Editor) K. Viyyanna Rao (Foroward)

Women have a unique position in the society; real development cannot take place if it by passes women, who not only represent 50 around which societal revolution take place. The major strategies of women empowerment include education empowerment, economic empowerment and legal empowerment of women, wpecific schemes to empower women.

There is an emerging need to improve women status and economic empowerment. Empowerment is a concept that is equally important to both men and women, it is the idea of sharing power, of truly giving it way.

Indian women are in no way inferior to men in every walk of life and they feel proud of themselves in SHG's education as well as legal empowerment.

This book consists of five sections of the women empowerment. Section I represents the Women empowerment through theoretical perspective, Section II represents Women empowerment through SHG's, Section III represents women empowerment through education and other methods, Section IV represents women empowerment through law, and Section V represents strategies for women empowerment. It is in the fitness of the things that this volume also throws a light on the various gender issues.

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Bibliographic information

Title Empowerment of Women in India: New Strategies
Format Hardcover
Date published: 08.08.2014
Edition 1st. ed.
Publisher Regal Publications
Language: English
isbn 8184843399, 9788184843392
length xxxiii+429p., Illustrations; Map; 23cm.