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Communication and Education in Indian Museums

Manvi Seth (Author)

The book discusses museology and communication theories, delving into the inter-relation and integration of museology and museums and the aspect of communication. It traces the journey of Indian museums from the colonial times to the present era, pointing out the changes in social perception of the museum and the evolution of its public service functions. It accepts the worldwide established notion of museum communication being the future of the museums, especially embracing the important functions of exhibition and education. It explores the applicability and usability of theoretical frameworks in the context of museum and in the realm of museology. It studies the museology curriculum followed in various Indian universities. It includes review the archives of museum literature, such as the journals of prestigious museums in the country, as well as the annual reports of the Ministry of Culture and its citizens’ charter.

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About the author

Manvi Seth

Dr. Manvi Seth Assistant Professor and Head in the Department of Museology, National Museum Institute. She has been teaching in the Department of Museology for past ten years. Prior to this, she worked as Curator, Decorative Arts, Maharaja Sawai Man Singh II Museum, City Palace, Jaipur.

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Bibliographic information

Title Communication and Education in Indian Museums
Author Manvi Seth
Format Hardcover
Date published: 31.12.2012
Edition 1st. ed.
isbn 9788173201288
length xii+159p., Illustrations; Chiefly Colour; 30cm.