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The Pancavimsatisahasrika Prajnaparamita

Nalinaksha Dutt (Author)
Synopsis The Present Edition of the Pancavims at is ahasrika Prajna paramita is based upon four Mss, two of which belongs to the Cambridge University Library. One to the bibliotheque Nationale de Paris and one to the Asiatic soceity of Bengal. The Present Text is a rearranged version of the original, From the concluding line of every chapter, viz, Aryapancavims at is ahasrikayam Bhagavatyam Prajnaparamitayam Abhisamayalanka ranusarena Samshidhitayam. It is evident that the present work has been remodelled to adapt. It to Maitreyanatha's Abhisamayalankarakarika a copy of which appears in four of the five Mss of the present work. Buddhist Sanskrit collections of various places. The Karika is as cribed in all the Mss to maitreyanatha BU-Ston tells us that one of the fice works of Maitreya is the Abhisamayalankara. Taranatha furnishes us with the tradition that Asanga studied the Prajnaparamita sutras in his early days and that in the Tusita heaven he heard the whole of Mahayana. Chinese and Tibetan translations. The rearranged version of the pancavimsati along with the Karika was not known to the Chinese at all. Simhabhadra according to Taranatha was a contemporary of dharmapala, circa 783-815. The idea of utilising the Pancavimsati as a commentary of the karika was a novel one. A comparison of the published portion of the Sata. With the present recast version of the pancavimsati. These are called Bodhis attvadharmanusari. There are Bodhisattvas who after developing the dhyanas. Complete the Aparamanas arupya-samapattis smrtiupasthanas. Samyakprahanas, Rddhipadas indriyas belas bodhyangas and margas. They never separate themselves from the Pranjaparamita vihara and in this cycle they attain the highest Bodhi. These are called Dvitiyatrtiyaphalapratipannaka Drstiprapta. etc, etc & C.
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About the author

Nalinaksha Dutt

Nalinaksha Dutt, M.A.B.L.Ph.D. (Cal) D. Litt (Lond.) Premchand Roychand Scholar, Formerly Professor of Pali, Judson College, Rangoon, Lecturer Post Graduate Department (Pali) and Ancient Indian History and culture Calcutta University.

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Bibliographic information

Title The Pancavimsatisahasrika Prajnaparamita
Format Hardcover
Date published: 01.01.2000
Edition 2nd Reprint
Publisher R.N. Bhattacharya
Language: English
isbn 8187661046
length vi+xxxvi+269p., 23cm.