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Endemic Plants of India

A N Henry (Author) R. Gopalan (Author)
Synopsis The book deals with CAMP process viz., Systematic study and status survey; assigning taxa to the Current IUCN Redlist category of threat; and making recommendation for research management activities—all contributing to conservation of 125 threatened strict endemics of one of the recognized centres of plant diversity in the Western Ghats of India. Most of the species treated in the text was hitherto imperfectly or little known. Detailed description with illustrations is provided for each species; also the individual taxon data sheets are based on adequate data gathered from threatened plants and their habitats in terms of conservation techniques. The book is the first of its kind in India, and would provide a model methodology for any Biodiversity Conservation Prioritization Project (BCPP).
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About the author

R. Gopalan

R. Gopalan is a PhD from the University of Madras. He taught at Madras Christian College for 34 years. He has authored 50 research articles and 30 books. He is currently a freelance writer and teacher.

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Bibliographic information

Title Endemic Plants of India
Format Hardcover
Date published: 01.01.2000
Edition 1st ed.
Language: English
isbn 8121102014
length viii+476p., Plates; Figures; Tables; Bibliography; Index; 24cm.