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Sociology of Environment

S.N. Pawar (Editor)
Synopsis Needless to say, the term 'environment' and its cognate elements have come very much into vogue in social sciences and other kindered disciplines during the last two decades. The changing socio-economic and political scenario in India also lends more significance to the studies of environment and related issues. A number of puzzling questions are already being raised on this thematic discourse; for instance: are development and environment opposing or contradictory notions? Does increment in one lead to or is accompanied by reduction/depletion in another? Is development sustainability a realizable project, given the current level and magnitude of socio-economic practices the world over? Is environmental stability or ecological balance feasible, without alterations into prevailing economic and political equations between and among the developed and developing countries? Does the positive interface between society and environment need more basic changes in our social outlook and economic agenda, within and across the national frontiers? It is in this context that the present anthology is being brought out. It uncovers the linkages between local communities and their environment, and also interpret the realities on the anvil of prevailing theoretical formulations and social/poliitcal practices. The empirical canvas covered tribals, peasants from non-tribal communities, artisans, fishermen, urban workers, women, etc. Focussed attention has been paid to the status of forest, agricultural lands, water harvesting sources, health and employment. There was a critical scrutiny of the role of rural-based sugar factories, tanneries, coalmining, etc., and city-based textile units. Experiments and experiences from the states of Maharashtra, Gujarat, Karnataka, Tamilnadu, and a few others were ex-changed with a view to clarify our notion of interface and identify the parameters of disturbance or dislocation in relationship between the society and Environment.
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About the author

S.N. Pawar

Prof. S.N. Pawar (b. 1942) is presently Professor and Head, Department of Sociology, and member of the Executive Council, Shivaji University, Kolhapur. His area of specialization is Rural Sociology. As a Principal Investigator, he has completed a research project. Prof. S.N. Pawar is the life member of Marathi Samajashastra Parishad and Indian Sociological Society. At present, he is the President of Marathi Samajashastra Parishad. He is the editor of Journal of Shivaji University, Kolhapur (Humanities) since 1990. He has presented research papers in the state, national and international seminars/conferences and published papers in the Journals.

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Bibliographic information

Title Sociology of Environment
Author S.N. Pawar
Format Hardcover
Date published: 01.01.1998
Edition 1st ed.
Publisher Rawat Publications
Language: English
isbn 8170334497
length 302p., Tables; 22cm.