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Veterinary Epidemiology: Basic Concepts

K. Rajkumar (Author)

Contents: 1. Introduction to veterinary epidemiology. 2. Ecological concepts of epidemiology. 3. Components of epidemiology. 4. Epidemiology: types and methods. 5. The cause of disease (disease process). 6. Causal hypothesis. 7. Agent, host and environmental strategies of epidemiology. 8. Pattern of diseases. 9. The transmission of infection. 10. Maintenance of infection. 11. Epidemiological studies. 12. The control and eradication of diseases. 13. Sources of epidemiological data. 14. Scales or levels of measurement. 15. Evaluation of diagnostic tests. 16. Epidemiological measurements. 17. Measure of productions. 18. Measurement of causal association. 19. Principles of survey. 20. Mapping. 21. Disease outbreak investigation. 22. Epidemiological software. 23. Animal disease forecasting. 24. Economics of animal diseases. 25. OIE (office international des epizooties).

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About the author

K. Rajkumar

Dr. K. Rajkumar is Reader and Head, Department of English, at Shri Guru Buddhiswami Mahavidyalaya, Purnajn (Maharashtra) and also taught (as Contributory faculty) at The School of Languages and Literature, Swami Ramanand Teerth Marathwada University, Nanded.  He is a Visiting Faculty at the Post-Graduate Department of English, P.N. College, Nanded, and an Academic Counsellor for M.A. English Programme, IGNOU.  He has co-edited a book, Rainbow: A Collection of English Prose, Poetry and Composition.  He is a bilingual Poet, writes both in English and Telugu and his poems have appeared in Kavya Bharati (A publication by American College, Madurai).  He is currently busy with a UGC-funded Research Project. 

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Bibliographic information

Title Veterinary Epidemiology: Basic Concepts
Author K. Rajkumar
Format Hardcover
Date published: 01.01.2014
Edition 1st.ed.
Language: English
isbn 9789383305131
length ix+220p., Illustrations; Maps; 26cm.