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Jesus Christ: Amar Chitra Katha

Drakshathota Aruliah (Author) Amar Chitra Katha

This Special Issue tells the story of Jesus clearly and simply, with excellent illustrations faithfully reproducing the local colour and costumes of the time Christ lived, for which much research has been done. This book is another witness to the general truth that the life of Christ is a restatement of the permanent values of human living, the brotherhood of man and the need for charity and right action in society. 'Christ-like' is today the work to describe a noble-hearted, gentle and selfless person. This book is the story of Christ who is regarded as the embodiment of the best qualities in human nature - a man who lived 2000 years ago. The life and career of Christ are the best documented events in ancient history; in fact history divides itself into epochs - one before Christ and one after him. This book gives you in pictures, the story of Christ drawn from four contemporary life sketches called the Gospels, written by his disciples. The Gospels are an important section of the Christian scriptures or the Bible. They are the main source of the teachings of Christ contained in the narrative. They present wise sayings and practical instructions, episodes describing with compassion the human situation, or exposing wickedness and evil, giving profound lessons on charity and love. The Son of Man, as Jesus Christ was called, serenely goes through the crowded pages of the Gospels, preaching, healing, comforting, helping, loving, not seeking any power or advantage for himself. His enemies set themselves up against him and ultimately succeeded in having him condemned to death on a cross. As he had foretold, he rose again after his death, thus proving that he was the Son of God. His followers passed on their faith in Jesus to others, and thus the Christian Church spread. Whether one is a Christian or not, one cannot fail to be drawn to this man who spoke of goodness with wisdom and power and brought comfort and peace to men of goodwill.

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Bibliographic information

Title Jesus Christ: Amar Chitra Katha
Format Softcover
Date published: 31.12.2010
Edition 1st.ed.
Language: English
isbn 8184820747, 9788184820744
length 32p.,
Subjects Children