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Development Communication and Information Economics in the New Millennium

Krishan Sondhi (Author)
Synopsis The book Development Communication and Information Economics in the New Millennium attempts formulation of new paradigms of development communication for the new millennium. It also attempts to introduce the discipline of Information Economics into India and other developing countries. In India we not only miss the application of this discipline to communication and media policy, planning and execution, but even the theory of the subject is unknown. Both the economists and the media professionals are totally oblivious of the very vital and potent role of information economics in communication growth. For 50 years now the I&B Ministry have been defining the role of information as 3 goals: Information ; Education ; Entertainment . A vital fourth point has to be added now which in fact, ought to supersede the earlier three, and that is: Economics. In the new dispensation of GATT, WTO etc., world bodies are now treating information not as services, but as GOODS. And there is good reason for this because 50 per cent of the GDP of a country like U.S.A. comes from information. We in India must urgently reorient our attitude and thinking to this new concept of information, not only for progress in the communication—information field, but also for the general economic growth in the country. The book is therefore, a must reading for persons in media, communication, information technology, development planning, economics, sociology and a host of related disciplines.
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About the author

Krishan Sondhi

Krishan Sondhi hails from one of the foremost Arya Samajist families of Jullundur, Punjab. These families have been in the forefront of the National movement, Vedic revival, Social reform, Sanskrit learning, and synthesis of religion and science. Sondhi continues to undertake work of revival and reform through his discipline of Communication. Sondhi did most of his academic and professional work in the U.S.A. he has a B.S. in Physics, B.S. in Mechanical Engineering, M.A. in Communication arts and Ph. D. in Sociology of Communication. For his postgraduate work he was at the Columbia University, New York, U.S.A. He was selected in the I.A.S. in open All-India competition but declined the offer to stick to his discipline: Communication. For many years Sondhi was Adviser, Communication and Information in the Planning Commission, Government of India. He is author of 8 books on Communication and is a Novelist and Screenplay writer. His novel UPROOTED has been widely acclaimed. Sondhi has been on innumerable delegations abroad and closely associated with UNESCO.

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Bibliographic information

Title Development Communication and Information Economics in the New Millennium
Format Hardcover
Date published: 01.01.2003
Edition 1st ed.
Language: English
isbn 8176463388
length x+183p., Tables; Index; 23cm.