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The 108 Names of Ganesha

Ashima Singh (Author)
Synopsis Ganesha, the lovable elephant-headed deity and son of Shiva and Parvati, symbolizes omnipresent and all-pervading energy, and when invoked, enables us to overcome physical and emotional obstacles. Over centuries devotees of Ganesha have used epithets in praise of him. Each epithet is a revelation of the divine, and chanting them is a means of connecting with the divine. This book contains the 108 names of Ganesha in Devanagiri and in English transliteration and expressively explains and interprets them.
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About the author

Ashima Singh

Ashima Singh is a pranic healer-teacher and former media person based in New Delhi who has conducted self-awareness and personal growth workshops in many countries. She has studied the religious philosophy, art and literature of many cultures in her quest to relate to the energy force that binds all humanity.

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Bibliographic information

Title The 108 Names of Ganesha
Author Ashima Singh
Format Hardcover
Date published: 01.01.2002
Edition 1st ed.
Language: English
isbn 670049417
length 136p.