The Great National Parks of the World
This is the era of globalization: television, internet and other means of communication leave us with the impression that we have the world in the palms of our hands. We are bombarded with a non-stop barrage of information and we are convinced that we are perfectly aware and in control of the reality that surrounds us. Then, those who are fortunate enough to visit in person the places they thought they knew, realize how illusory their conviction is. So let us pause a while and enjoy the incredible images of this volume, a real journey through nature. A journey of times gone by, when travelers took their time to explore, investigate or simply be entranced by the spectacle of a magnificent mountain, or the sunlight filtering through the forest, the tenderness of a mother towards her cubs, the momentous power of the waves. Let us relish the joy of knowing that these places are special twice over: for nature has made them unique and human wisdom has made them national parks.
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