Electron Devices and Circuits
This book is intended to serve as a textbook for the B.E. students of Computer Science and Engineering and B.Tech. students of Information Technology, taking the common course on Electron Devices and Circuits (EC1 × 11) prescribed by the Anna University. Fundamental principles and applications are described herein in a clear and concise way with explanatory diagrams. The language is lucid and simple. Physical aspects are explained with ample details; mathematical derivations are also given, where necessary. Numerical problems which are typically set in examinations, are included in the book to illustrate the application of the principles contained in the text. Many of these problems are worked out, and the rest are left as exercises for the students. The answers to such problems are given for the benefit of the readers. The objective-type and the review questions included in the book reflect the type of such questions set in different examinations.
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Bibliographic information
P. C. Rakshit